Will the hideous Mark Robinson, a Trump ally, help turn North Carolina blue?

It sounds like North Carolina is shaping up to be a closely contested battleground in the upcoming election, with Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump neck and neck in recent polls.

The state’s history of leaning Republican in presidential elections adds to the significance of Harris’s efforts to win it, given that it’s only gone Democratic twice since 1968.

But, recent developments in North Carolina have been promising for Democrats. Attorney General Josh Stein has gained significant ground over his Republican opponent, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, in the gubernatorial race. Stein is now leading Robinson by as much as 14 points in the High Point/Survey USA poll, 10 points in the NY Times/Siena College poll, and 11 points in the Fox News poll. This represents a notable increase from Stein’s earlier 5- to 6-point lead in August. His current lead averages around 8.7 points according to the RCP Average.

Stein will likely win the North Carolina governor’s race. The big question is: How much will Robinson’s stench make Trump guilty by association? After all, Trump is closely alligned with Robinson and has spoken highly of North Carolina’s controversial lieutenant governor.

And let’s face it, Stein’s rise in the polls is partly attributed to his effective use of Robinson’s controversial remarks, including his spreading of disinformation and baseless conspiracy theories, attacks on Jews, derogatory comments about homosexuality and transgender people, and his extreme views on abortion.

Homosexuality and Transgenderism
Robinson said during a 2021 sermon that “there’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth.”

“And yes, I called it filth,” he doubled down. “And if you don’t like that I called it filth, come see me and I’ll explain it to you.”

In November of the same year that he referred to homosexuality as “filth,” Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson made further controversial remarks. He asserted that straight couples are superior to same-sex couples because they have the potential to reproduce sexually. Robinson also compared LGBTQ+ people to “what the cows leave behind,” as well as “maggots” and “flies.” He added, “I don’t care how much you cut yourself up, drug yourself up and dress yourself up, you still either one of two things — you either a man or a woman.” These statements have drawn significant criticism and contributed to the backlash against him.

While some folks on both sides of the political aisle agree that our birth gender is our true gender, it’s HOW Robinson says it – using nasty and repuslive rhetoric – that rub many the wrong way. He likens trans people to “maggots and flies” and compares homosexuality “filth” and “pedophilla.”

In another Facebook post, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson compared LGBTQ+ rights to pedophilia and suggested that the acceptance of homosexuality would lead to the collapse of society.  He wrote, “We have pushed homosexuality over the top. Mark my words PEDOPHILLA (sic) is next, which will be closely followed by the END of civilization as we know it.”

Jews, the Holocaust, and Hitler
In 2019, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson appeared on the podcast of an alleged cult leader and  endorsed the host’s views that Jewish bankers are one of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” According to the host, the other three were Muslim people, China, and the CIA. Robinson agreed with the host, stating, “That’s exactly right,” and expressed astonishment that such information is accessible online.

More recently though, Robinson has tried to distance himself from accusations of anti-Semitism by expressing support for Israel. During an October press conference, he acknowledged that some of his Facebook posts were “poorly worded” but denied being anti-Semitic, stating, “there is no anti-Semitism standing here in front of you.”

Yeah, right!

In a 2014 Facebook post that has resurfaced recently, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson challenged his followers to guess “who said it” before quoting Adolf Hitler. He defended this post in a 2023 speech at an event organized by the far-right group Moms of Liberty, arguing, “Because you quoted Hitler, you support Hitler. I guess every history book in America supports Hitler now. They all quote him.”

Additionally, Robinson has made several posts denying the Holocaust. He has implied that the figure of 6 million Jewish victims is exaggerated and has described the notion of Hitler disarming Jews and sending them to concentration camps as “a bunch of hogwash.”

He’s a very sick man.

Black Democrats
In another controversial Facebook post, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson stated that Black people who vote for Democrats are “slaves” controlled by the Democratic National Committee. He wrote, “Half of black Democrats don’t realize they are slaves and don’t know who their masters are. The other half don’t care.”

He’s not very bright, is he?

Michelle Obama
In a 2017 Facebook post, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson accused former First Lady Michelle Obama of secretly being a transgender woman, referring to her as “he.” Robinson described her as an “anti-American, abortion and gay marriage supporting, liberal leftist elitist,” and wrote, “I’ll be glad when he takes his boyfriend and leaves the White House.”

In addition to these comments, Robinson made derogatory remarks about Michelle Obama in other posts, including describing her speech as “ghetto” and “wookie,” and claiming she emanates “the stench of human waste.”.

9/11 and the Moon Landing
In another Facebook post, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson expressed skepticism about major historical events, saying he “wouldn’t be surprised” if the 1969 moon landing was fake or if the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job.” These comments reflect a broader pattern of promoting conspiracy theories and have been met with criticism.

Democrats surging in NC
This surge in support for Stein has shifted the gubernatorial race to a “leans Democrat” status according to election forecaster Sabato.

The improved outlook for Stein and the heightened Democratic engagement have reinvigorated the overall prospects for Vice President Kamala Harris in North Carolina. Just weeks ago, the state seemed out of reach for Harris, but these recent developments have made it a competitive battleground once again.

Recent polls from North Carolina show a tight race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.  A High Point/Survey USA poll indicated that 46% of North Carolinians would vote for Harris, compared to 45% for Trump, giving Harris a narrow lead.

Nine percent of respondents were either undecided or planned to vote for someone else.

Another poll from NY Times/Siena College showed Harris with 49% support and Trump with 47%, giving Harris a slim 2-point edge. Four percent of respondents were unsure or refused to answer. Conversely, a Fox News survey found Trump leading with 50% of the vote compared to Harris’s 49%.

“I think there’s going to be a rising up that will end up helping Vice President Harris in this race, from some people who may not have gone to the polls even in a presidential year,” Cooper said at an event at the Democratic National Convention. “I have a 2008 feeling about North Carolina.”

Democrat Barack Obama carried the state in 2008.

It’s shocking and sad how anyone like Mark Robinson could be a major candidate for governor anywhere in the U.S. And yes, Trump loves him. And yes, he’s being fully funded and supported by the Republican Party.

North Carolina, take heed.




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