Ronald Reagan’s daughter: My father would be “appalled” by today’s Republican Party

In her February 2024 interview with CNN, Patti Davis, the daughter of former President Reagan, insists her father wouldn’t be affiliated with the current Republican Party.

“I don’t see how he would want to be in it,” she told Jim Acosta, describing the party as “diametrically opposed” to the principles her father cherished. According to Davis, the respect and dignity that Reagan believed were essential for anyone in government have been eroded, replaced by a political culture dominated by anger, violence, and disrespect.

And in Davis’ defense, the Republican Party has witnessed significant transformations from the conservative era of Ronald Reagan to the rise of the MAGA Republicans under Donald Trump. And their shifting priorities, combativeness, conspiracy theories, racial hate, and rhetorical styles demonstrate the dynamic but unfortunate nature of American politics.

The GOP’s Transformation: A Departure from Reagan’s Principles

The Republican Party under Reagan was known for advocating limited government, personal responsibility, and a strong national defense.

While Reagan’s policies contributed to significant economic growth and a more robust defense posture, they also led to notable fiscal challenges, including a substantial federal deficit. Nonetheless, Reagan listened to good advice and was a popular leader who didn’t blame scapegoats, side with hatemongers, or have knee-jerk reactions to major events and situations.

It’s not surprising Davis believes that the Republican Party has since veered off course, adopting a more combative and divisive approach to politics. She points to the party’s silence in the face of actions and rhetoric that she feels degrade American democracy and the values her father stood for.

Davis’s criticism is particularly pointed when it comes to the party’s embrace of former President Donald Trump.

She argues that Trump represents the antithesis of what her father valued—respectful leadership and a commitment to truth and integrity. The contrast between Reagan’s approach to leadership and the current tone of political discourse within the GOP could not be more glaring, in her view.

A Daughter’s Plea: Reflecting on Reagan’s True Legacy

Patti Davis’s open letter to the Republican Party in 2019 was a heartfelt plea to Republicans to reconsider the path they were on. She expressed deep concern that the party had abandoned the values her father championed and warned that the silence of Republican leaders in the face of dishonorable behavior could have lasting consequences for the nation.

“You have claimed [my father’s] legacy,” Davis wrote, “exalted him as an icon of conservatism and used the quotes of his that serve your purpose at any given moment.” Yet, she lamented, the party has remained silent while the principles Reagan held dear have been “degraded and chipped away at by a sneering, irreverent man who traffics in bullying and dishonesty.”

The relationship between President Ronald Reagan and then Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill during the 1980s stands out as a profound example of political and personal trust. Despite their opposing political affiliations, their friendship offers a compelling narrative about bridging ideological divides.

In her interview with CNN, Davis further elaborated on her concerns, stating that she believes her father would be “heartbroken and horrified” by the current state of the nation. She described the country as being mired in anger, violence, and a deep disrespect for one another—conditions that she feels would have deeply troubled Reagan.

Conclusion: A Call for a Return to Reagan’s Principles

Patti Davis’s reflections offer a poignant reminder of the values that Ronald Reagan stood for—values that she believes are sorely lacking in today’s political landscape. Her words serve as a call to action for those within the Republican Party and beyond to reflect on the principles of dignity, respect, and civility that defined her father’s legacy. As the nation grapples with deep political divisions, Davis’s message is a powerful plea for a return to the ideals that once guided the party her father led.




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